Some of my most creative photography comes from my handy little iPhone. I attribute this to the fact that it travels with me everywhere and I often have it with me when I don't have a better camera. Also, its size and screen configuration allow me to get it into tight spaces where I would otherwise have trouble. Also, the plethora of photo editing apps allow for some fun creative work. Currently I am using HDR Pro X and Enlight.
These images were captured during a trip to Italy. I found it fascinating to stare into these faces from the past. The sculptors used models for their work, sometimes great men and women, as a form of portraiture. Seeing these faces line halls of the Vatican Museums or the Uffizi is like looking at a yearbook of the ancients. I tried to use the ambient lighting conditions to effectively convey emotion or grandur, to the best of my ability.
What can I say? Landscapes that have inspired me (and cooperated) are contained herin.
I have always had an affinity for green, growing things. I especially love ferns, but I have a ton of trouble photographing them to my satisfaction. I'm still working on getting a good macro lens, at which time this section will really take off.
I freely admit that photographing people is not my strong suit. However, moments still jump out at me from time to time. I hope to add more to this section in the future.
These images don't really fit into any easy category, but are some of my favorites.